Tree Radar Unit evaluations
What is Matthew’s Tree Service territory for TRU evaluations?
Matthew’s Tree Service Inc. recognizes the limited access interested parties have to Tree Radar Units. We are proud to offer this service all across Georgia and surrounding states. Efforts will be made to coordinate several evaluations in a given area to offset travel charges for our visits.
What is the cost for a TRU evaluation? 
It is our goal to have TRU services priced in a manner that anyone interested in safety and tree health can afford. Therefore we have kept costs as low as the historical decay detection methods. Note that the analysis reports provided by Matthew’s Tree Service Inc. from a TRU evaluation are more detailed and elaborate then those of other detection methods. We also provide discounted rates for customers with many trees such as municipalities and golf courses. We feel this is a great value for our customers.
How long will it take to receive the results of a trunk or root scan?
A completed report, including the results of a trunk or root scan and the corresponding recommendation, will be provided to our customers within 1 week of the date of scan.
What are effects of the TRU on trees, animals and people?
The TRU does not use X-rays, magnetic fields or any other harmful radiation. The unit emits radar at a frequency of 900Mhz, the same as the common cell phone and is just as safe. The TRU produces extremely short duration pulses traveling a limited distance. For example, in root mass scans the useful distance is a meter. There have not been harmful effects to tree tissues or bark noted from use of the TRU. Its noninvasive evaluations have a advantage over other methods that need to pierce tree tissue.
What are other applications for TRU?
Since the TRU is Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) used with special software for tree care applications, we can perform many of the same functions as a standard GPR antenna. We can locate utility lines, leech fields, holding tanks, and even flag out entire irrigation systems. Though there are some depth limitations, for most applications we can locate what you need to find. Please contact us with your needs.
What are the tax incentives or compensation benefits through state agencies you reference?
Contact your regional Department of Environmental Conservation office and ask one of the foresters for information regarding Federal Land Enhancement Program (FLEP) or similar programs that reimburse land owners a portion of the funds spent on proper forest and habitat management.